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Comparing auto insurance quotes online enables you to sit comfortably at the computer where, in a matter of minutes, you can narrow your options down to the point where you are confident that you've met your needs at the most reasonable price.

Closing fees can range from $2,500 to $5,000... or more! Looking for tips on negotiating closing costs? Here's a list of the home closing costs that can be negotiated, and those that can't.

Do you think you can truly afford the home that you're currently living in? According to Suze Orman, chances are you cannot. Here are some of the indicators that you cannot afford your home.

When it comes to your auto insurance policy and the factors that go into determining your auto insurance rates, here are a few things about auto insurance coverage that you might not realize.

These days, your best financial move is to find your own creative ways to save money on the home mortgage. In effect, cheap mortgages are easier to come by than you might think. You just need to do a few things differently.

A collection of car-buying scams, plus tips to help you find the best car deal -- without getting taken. Before you buy a new or used car, watch out for these scams.

If you think you're too smart to be a victim of mortgage fraud, think again! Con artists are out there and they are very good. They know how to find your weakness and convince you that they are your savior. This video explains in depth how they do it.

Wise is the person -- or couple -- who realizes this fact of life and makes some realistic plans to deal with life's changes. It's something that we all must accept as a part of getting older.

Life insurance is definitely for those you leave behind. Beyond that, it can also be for your own future as well. Choosing a well-balanced combination of both term and whole life insurance is the best protection you can have for the unknown future ahead.