Jobs & Money

After you've determined how you're going to pay for college and then you actually start your college education, here's how to get the biggest bang for your buck from the time that you spend there.

The decision to rent or buy a home is very important. Everybody wants to own a home, sometimes it's just not the right time. This article discusses the times when it may not be beneficial to own a home, but also discusses the advantages to owning a home.

I love this picture of a guy jumping on the front of a smart car.

Here are 7 pros and cons of the micro mini or smart car, plus videos showing the Smart car in crashes.

Here are 8 things you can do to lower your college expenses including: applying to free colleges, taking college courses in high school, starting at a community college, starting with online courses, testing out of some classes, living off campus, living with your parents, renting text books.

The following commercials were produced by the Ad Council. It's part of their 'Don't Almost Give' campaign. The story behind the ads is quite interesting, too.

Before you purchase identity theft insurance, there are a few things you should know first. Some financial institutions provide identity theft insurance for FREE. And there are other ways to protect yourself from identity theft without having to pay a thing!

Debit card blocking is where gas stations, rental car agencies, hotels, and others 'put a hold on' a big chunk of your money if you use a debit card to pay for gas, reserve a rental car, hotel room, etc. In effect, they're 'freezing' your account, or billing your account for an amount that's very likely more than you intended to pay for that service. They say it's for their protection...

Following are some of the dangers associated with buying used tires -- or even OLD, unused tires that are sold as brand new! Plus, how to make sense of the letters and numbers on your tire's sidewall and determine the true age of your tires.

It's NOT illegal for people to go through your trash - so you need to shred everything that has personal information on it to prevent identity theft. Here's what to shred & what to keep.