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Do You Have A Will? Here’s How To Write A Will + FREE Online Will Forms

Don’t have a will yet?

If you’re uncertain about how to write a will, then you’ll appreciate the following FREE resources for writing a will yourself.

it's good to know how to write a will and following these tips will make it so much easier

These are the times when you need to write (or revise) your will:

  • When you get married.
  • If you get divorced.
  • If you become separated from your spouse.
  • When you have children under the age of 18.


How To Write A Will

here are some forms that tell you how to write a will

As I see it, you pretty much have 3 options when it comes to writing a will:

#1 – Pay an attorney: You’ll pay approximately $500 for a standard Last Will and Testament.

#2 – Write it yourself: You can find helpful forms using USLegalForms.com for about $40. (Recommended by financial guru, Dave Ramsey.)

#3 – Use an online service: Let the folks at LegalZoom.com help you write it for about $50. (Recommended by ABC News, PC Magazine, USA Today, and The Wall Street Journal; it’s secure and guaranteed!)

But first, you may want to arm yourself with some basic information about wills:

many of us don't know how to write a will but there are a lot of great resources to help


Free Will Writing Forms & Kits