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Spousal issues

Here are some things you can do when dealing with a loved one who cannot or will not manage their money.

Newly married or thinking of moving in together? Use these couples money tips to keep your relationship with your partner and your relationship with money healthy from the get-go.

Life insurance is definitely for those you leave behind. Beyond that, it can also be for your own future as well. Choosing a well-balanced combination of both term and whole life insurance is the best protection you can have for the unknown future ahead.

While many people may be perfectly capable of managing their own finances, they may not be educated in all aspects, or may not have the time to keep an eye on their money and financial plans. That's when hiring a financial planner makes the most sense.

Of course, no one is ready for their spouse to die. But it may happen unexpectedly one day. And you should do your best to be prepared in the event that it does. Here are the best tips for making sure that you're able to pay for the funeral, while at the same time keep your head above the water -- financially.

If you need a will, here are some tips for how to write your own will, what it will cost if you pay a professional to write a will for you, and free legal will forms so you can write a living will yourself.

I recently wrote about how adult kids living with mom and dad can put a drain on the parents' retirement. But if you turn the situation around, it could actually be quite advantageous. Extended families are good for finances...

When your spouse dies, what in the world are you supposed to do next? How do you keep your head above water -- financially -- in addition to keeping it all together emotionally? Here are some tips for getting your financial things in order, so things will go more smoothly regarding money and paperwork after the loss of your spouse.

A large number of Generation Y is still living at home with mom and dad, in an effort to save for the future. While this means these adult kids will have more money in their bank accounts to buy a home and start a family, it also puts a strain on Mom and Dad's savings. And they still have their OWN future to plan for.