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death and dying
Life insurance is definitely for those you leave behind. Beyond that, it can also be for your own future as well. Choosing a well-balanced combination of both term and whole life insurance is the best protection you can have for the unknown future ahead.

Of course, no one is ready for their spouse to die. But it may happen unexpectedly one day. And you should do your best to be prepared in the event that it does. Here are the best tips for making sure that you're able to pay for the funeral, while at the same time keep your head above the water -- financially.

When your spouse dies, what in the world are you supposed to do next? How do you keep your head above water -- financially -- in addition to keeping it all together emotionally? Here are some tips for getting your financial things in order, so things will go more smoothly regarding money and paperwork after the loss of your spouse.

If you die, will the bank be willing to do business with your spouse? Will he or she have to move? Will the bank foreclose on your home? These are things you need to consider when purchasing a new home. The fact of the matter is, you should consider purchasing life insurance to protect your mortgage. Here's why...
Protect your loved ones - even after their death. It's true... identity theft even happens to deceased individuals. Here are some important steps to take - including what to say -- and not say -- in the obituary, how to approach creditors, and who else you should notify of the death.
Term life insurance policies offering return of premium options are not good for the consumer in most cases.