Jim’s been skating through “life on the highway” by the skin of his teeth for years now.
He’s gotten FOUR (4) warnings for speeding — and that’s just in the time that I’ve known him.

Every time I’m in the car with Jim and I comment about his driving, he always reminds me of the fact that HE’s never been in an accident (I’ve been in 3 minor “incidents“, of which NONE were my fault…) and HE’s never gotten a ticket (I’ve gotten 3, but wait til you hear what for!!!).
Jim’s had no incidents or tickets… Til now!
Jim’s somewhere in Ontario Canada by now — Grand Bend, I think…
(I’ve asked him to not call me while he’s in Canada, cuz the cell phone rates for us would be OUTRAGEOUS! That, and the fact that I might just be “away” at the Caribbean again.)
But somewhere around Louisville, Kentucky he called last night to tell me that he’d just gotten his first speeding ticket!
Going 75 in a 55.
There was no “warning” this time!…
Life Is A Highway…
He said up until the moment the police officer pulled him over, he was cruising right along enjoying the ride while listening to his brand-new XM Satellite Radio.
Now I’m thinking: That XM’s gotta go — it’s just too distracting! (…just kidding. I’m sure it made this very long road trip more bearable for him — DESPITE the Speeding Ticket.)
Jim does drive A LOT. Always has… for business trips.
Lately he’s driving all across the country (and beyond!) for IHRA motorsports events. So I guess if this is his first ticket, then he’s done pretty well. That, and the fact that he was incredibly LUCKY that the previous 4 let him go with warnings!
Fun Music Videos About Driving Fast
And now for the FUN part of this post…
Sing along to Tom Cochrane‘s “Life Is A Highway” song playing in the background of this video featuring hilarious antics while driving cars!
Here is Sammy Hagar’s “I Can’t Drive 55” video (circa 1984). This one’s for you, hun, it’s got car racing stuff in it and everything!
And here’s the “Pop-Up Video” version of the “I Can’t Drive 55” video by Sammy Hagar. Same video… with added facts and trivia while you’re watching it. (Remember that VH1 show?)
[Thanks to Sammy Hagar himself for making both of those videos available!]
…Did you know Sammy Hagar wrote that song while driving a rental car?! Here are lots of other fun songfacts about Sammy Hagar and the “I Can’t Drive 55” song.