Have you ever been stopped for a traffic violation on a holiday?
If so, was the police officer that stopped you cordial and willing to hear what you had to say? Or was the cop somewhat brash and matter-of-fact with you?
Based on the fact that Jim and I have each received a ticket on Thanksgiving, you might want to be EXTRA cautious when driving during the holidays… especially Thanksgiving!
My guess is since they’re not at all happy about having to work on a holiday, so they’re ticket-happy instead.
I got pulled over on Thanksgiving morning several years ago — en route from Orlando to Tampa to celebrate the holiday with my relatives.
Wait til you hear what I was charged with!…
Who Knew That A Ticket Was In My Future?
It was about 6
‘o clock in the morning. There were hardly any cars out. I was on a 4-lane highway with a median in the middle and stop lights every half-mile or so (U.S. Hwy 50 in Orlando).
I had just purchased my “Super Big Gulp” from 7-11 (…this was back when 44oz was a LOT of soda!). I had cranked the stereo to my favorite Barenaked Ladies CD (Born On A Pirate Ship). And I had only gotten a couple of blocks away from my apartment… when this cop was suddenly on my A#S driving erratically and flashing his blue lights.
Before this, I heard nothing (but “The Old Apartment” by BNL), saw nothing strange — until it was too late, at which point the only thing strange I saw was this cop on my tail-end!
Oddly enough, there was no one else on the road heading West — I was in one lane, and NO one was in the westbound lane next to me.
What’s so strange about this?…
The cop pulled me over for “failure to yield to an emergency vehicle“!
Which emergency vehicle was it?
He was riding solo in his police cruiser. I guess he was en route to a police call, when it suddenly became a better use of his time to give me a citation for not pulling OFF THE ROAD — rather than him continuing on to his “emergency”. Keep in mind: there was no one in the lane next to me — he had a completely empty lane in which to pass me!
I just didn’t get it. So I went to traffic court and fought it. And, of course, he (a young rookie cop with an attitude) was there and was VERY well-spoken and played “winking games” with the judge and obviously had an “in”.
I, on the other hand, had never been to court before. Had never had a ticket before. And I SUCK at public speaking — even in my own defense! I couldn’t think of what I wanted to say, and what I did say sounded like jibberish I’m sure.
You see, I was banking on what all my friends had told me:
“Most cops don’t waste their time showing up for traffic court, and even if this cop fully intended on being there, he could actually be called on an assignment at that time.”
Much to my dismay, he was there. I “lost” the case and had to pay the fine, get some points, and tack on court costs.
I guess there was some lesson to be learned… I’m just not sure what it was.