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Is now the best time for refinancing your mortgage? Here's why I chose to go for a home refinance and what I needed to do to lower my mortgage rate.

Is it a good time to refinance your home now? It was for me! But it might not be for you. Here's when to refinance your mortgage + Steps to refinance a home

See how to use SOME of the equity in your home to supplement your retirement income. How reverse mortgage works and gets repaid + How much home equity you'll retain.

I just bought my very first house, and I've got some helpful tips for first-time homebuyers. Here are the steps to buying a house for the first time, plus some valuable lessons that I learned.

A payday loan is a short-term high-interest loan. Fees are high if you don't repay the loan on the day of your next paycheck.7 better ways to get cash fast.

Bad credit student loans aren't that difficult to come by. Here's everything you need to know about the ways to get a student loan when your credit isn't the best.

Is it cheaper to pay in cash than with credit cards and with loans? Yes, but just how much cheaper is a cash payment? Here are some interesting facts to get you thinking.

All about your debt to credit limit ratio -- what it means, all the ways your FICO score could affect you, and how to improve your debt to credit limit ratio and your FICO score. Plus, how to tell if you've got TOO much debt!

These days, your best financial move is to find your own creative ways to save money on the home mortgage. In effect, cheap mortgages are easier to come by than you might think. You just need to do a few things differently.

If you think you're too smart to be a victim of mortgage fraud, think again! Con artists are out there and they are very good. They know how to find your weakness and convince you that they are your savior. This video explains in depth how they do it.