Articles Tagged:

health insurance

Healthcare costs are going up. What if you can't afford the deductible or monthly premium? Medical gap insurance (or supplemental health insurance) helps with that!

If you have consistent, predictable, medical expenses that are already a part of your monthly budget, you can save money by NOT paying tax those medical expenses. By taking advantage of a Flexible Spending Account (FSA), you get tax-free health care!

Over the last few years in the health industry, it has become increasingly common for annual increases in premiums. It is still possible to get affordable health coverage, you just have to know what to do and where to look!

Vision USA provides low-income and uninsured people with basic eye health and vision care for free. InfantSee provides a one-time, comprehensive eye exam for babies for free. Eyecare America provides free eye exams and services for seniors.

If you're not paying for health insurance right now -- because you can't afford it. Trust me, you will pay dearly for it later -- when you DO need it. Health insurance is an unavoidable expense that must be worked into your monthly bills and expenses. It's unavoidable. Here's why...

When your spouse dies, what in the world are you supposed to do next? How do you keep your head above water -- financially -- in addition to keeping it all together emotionally? Here are some tips for getting your financial things in order, so things will go more smoothly regarding money and paperwork after the loss of your spouse.

My family used a Health Savings Account one year. Here are some thoughts about HSAs...

If taking better care of your hard-earned money is one of your New Years resolutions, I've listed 10 ways to help accomplish it. Getting a hold of your personal finances will not only help save money, but it will help control debt and plan for the future.

There are certain types of income that should not be included on your tax return. In this article we discuss a few of the types of income that are excluded from your tax return and therefore result in tax savings.