Articles Tagged:

health insurance

There are several tax deductions available to us that we have no clue about. Hopefully, by learning some of the common missed tax deductions we are all able to save a little bit more.

We discuss the problems with the current health insurance system and solutions to making it better

Health savings accounts can provide a tax deduction which can be used to offset your medical costs. This article discusses the requirements and benefits of the HSA plans.

I had an unpleasant experience regarding HMO's and dental care. As part of my dental care plan with an HMO -- which is a PRE-PAID service plan -- I had paid for over one year of dental care which I was ultimately not permitted to use. I have found another dentist and I no longer utilize the services of an HMO. Still, the bigger problem remains. It's more about the politics of the health care industry, as a whole. And how "dues-paying" patients are getting the raw end of the deal each and every day.