Articles Tagged:

tax credits and deductions

Each year around tax time, I go through our personal receipts, bank statements, household utilities & medical bills/receipts to stay organized. Time-saving tips I use

If you have consistent, predictable, medical expenses that are already a part of your monthly budget, you can save money by NOT paying tax those medical expenses. By taking advantage of a Flexible Spending Account (FSA), you get tax-free health care!

Even if you haven't been planning on remodeling or upgrading your home, now is definitely the time to take a serious look at the possibilities. These tax incentives will go a long way in stretching your budget and will not only pay you back now through tax credits and refunds, but they will continue to pay you back as you save energy in the future!

First time homeowners can get up to $8,000 in the form of a tax credit from the U.S. government. And... you don't have to pay it back! Who exactly qualifies? How does it work? How do you take advantage of this housing tax credit?

Charitable contributions may be the last thing you have on your mind during tough times. But, the truth is, giving away money, time, and items is always a good idea. Here are the top 3 reasons to consider making charitable donations this year.

There are many advantages to paying a mortgage over paying rent. Still, renting a home is not exactly a waste of your money. Here are some interesting facts regarding renting vs owning a home.

With Americans rallying to save more and spend less, charities and religious organizations are actually suffering. Charities need goods and money in order to help people in the community. But what can we do? Especially when we are just treading water ourselves. Here are some ideas...

Most business will make equipment purchases each year. If your business appropriately plans for the purchases, you may be able deduct the full price of the equipment. This article discusses the deduction for equipment purchases and how to plan your purchases in order to decrease your tax bill.

Does the IRS allow teeth whitening, breast reconstruction, and vision correction surgery as medical expense deductions? These are typically considered cosmetic or elective surgeries, but two of them are allowed as a medical expense.