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To eliminate debt, filing for bankruptcy might seem like the answer. Bankruptcy isn't always a fresh start. It's an easy way out with potential future problems in return. Here are some issues you might face after filing bankruptcy.


Debt relief ads are everywhere. However, debt relief scams are everywhere too. Here's what you should look for in order to avoid falling prey to a scam.

A collection of car-buying scams, plus tips to help you find the best car deal -- without getting taken. Before you buy a new or used car, watch out for these scams.

There are several bankruptcy myths associated with filing for bankruptcy. Not being able to tell the difference between fact and fiction when it comes to bankruptcy myths can make anyone nervous about filing for bankruptcy. Save yourself some sleepless nights by finding out right now about bankruptcy myths!

Bankruptcy exemptions are items that are exempt from being sold in order to discharge your debts. These exemptions are basically items that you need for a fresh start after your bankruptcy is discharged. Here's what you need to know.

Credit counselors help consumers manage -- and ultimately lower -- their debt. They promise to negotiate with debtors, create payment plans, and lower the interest rates of people in debt. Their ultimate goal is to eliminate your debt. Credit counseling can be good... so good, it's even mandatory in some situations -- like before you can file for bankruptcy.

Hearing about Ivan's financial situation on NBC's Today Show made me flash back to my own college days when I, too, was in debt up to my ears. Jean Chantzky's recommendation for Ivan was basically to try credit counseling. Here's why, plus what to look for when you're trying to find a reputable credit counseling company...

The state of Georgia is facing serious financial problems. Georgia educators plan to fix this by adding financial literacy and financial planning to the state's high school curriculum. This means they'll have to remove 20% of social studies lessons to make room for the new finance and economics classes. Is is the right thing to do?