Articles Tagged:

Taxes 101

Trying to between a Traditional IRA vs Roth IRA as a means of saving money for retirement? Here's a list of the differences between Roth vs Traditional IRA, plus reasons to choose one over the other.

Each year around tax time, I go through our personal receipts, bank statements, household utilities & medical bills/receipts to stay organized. Time-saving tips I use

The key to lowering your tax liability is to reduce your adjusted income to its lowest possible amount. Here are some ways to do that, plus great last-minute tax tips for all you procrastinators!

Now that Tax Season is over and you have (hopefully) completed your tax returns and put them behind you, here are some things you can do to make the next tax season even easier. Things to do WAY before April 15th...

When your spouse dies, what in the world are you supposed to do next? How do you keep your head above water -- financially -- in addition to keeping it all together emotionally? Here are some tips for getting your financial things in order, so things will go more smoothly regarding money and paperwork after the loss of your spouse.

Marketers are seeing dollar signs, and they are pulling no punches with ideas on how you can spend your government stimulus check. Here's what to watch for, so you don't get taken by someone telling you how to spend your tax rebate check.

Tax rebate checks -- also known as Economic Stimulus Payments -- will be sent out in May of 2008 to 130 million families. Their purpose is to stimulate the economy. I can't help but think they'll simply be used to pay of debts. How does that stimulate the economy?

Do I have to pay quarterly tax payments? Many people don't realize they need to pay quarterly payments until it is too late and you are stuck with a tax penalty.This article discusses who owes quarterly tax payments, how much and when must you pay.

If you're considering purchasing or renovating a home, there are several ways to turn your expenses into tax deductions. In this article we discuss tips to decrease your tax bill when purchasing a home.