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tax updates

Don't file a tax extension this year... it may cause you to lose out on your piece of the pie from the President's Economic Stimulus Package. That's right, you might not get your refund if you don't file your taxes on time.

After debating for months on how to fix the alternative minimum tax, Congress recently issued a tax reprieve which postpones the use of the alternative minimum tax for one year. As this tax is becoming more and more common among middle-income taxpayers, its important to understand the basics as it will likely be back in future years.

This summer Congress increased the minimum wage. In order to offset the increase in expenses, Congress also allocated money for tax breaks for these businesses. This article lists 3 of the ways to take advantage of these tax breaks.

The 'kiddie tax' has been changed to apply to all children under the age of 18. It previously only applied to children under the age of 14. Therefore, for children under 18, all unearned income greater than $1,700 will be taxes at the parent's top tax rate.