Is it cheaper to pay in cash than with credit cards and with loans? Yes, but just how much cheaper is a cash payment? Here are some interesting facts to get you thinking.
Do you have one credit card JUST for emergencies? Here's what really qualifies as an emergency -- what you should and should not use your credit card for.
Comparing auto insurance quotes online enables you to sit comfortably at the computer where, in a matter of minutes, you can narrow your options down to the point where you are confident that you've met your needs at the most reasonable price.
Experts tell us that the best way to stay out of financial trouble is to live within our means. Right? But there's 'living within your means' and then there's 'living below your means'. Which boat are you in? Here are great tips that will help!
When it comes to your auto insurance policy and the factors that go into determining your auto insurance rates, here are a few things about auto insurance coverage that you might not realize.
If you're a member of Gen Y and you don't have a savings account, you're probably experiencing a quarterlife crisis. What it means now, and for your future.
Want to become a millionaire? Here's the profile of the typical millionaire. It's a great list of things to strive for, and traits that you can actually achieve yourself.
These days, your best financial move is to find your own creative ways to save money on the home mortgage. In effect, cheap mortgages are easier to come by than you might think. You just need to do a few things differently.
Are you all set to sell your gold jewelry and or coins as scrap? You should reconsider doing so because this is not the best way to get the best price for your gold.