Articles Tagged:

identity theft

Before you purchase identity theft insurance, there are a few things you should know first. Some financial institutions provide identity theft insurance for FREE. And there are other ways to protect yourself from identity theft without having to pay a thing!

It's NOT illegal for people to go through your trash - so you need to shred everything that has personal information on it to prevent identity theft. Here's what to shred & what to keep.

Especially during the holiday season, there are people who aim to steal purses, pick pockets, and take purchases from your car. Here's how to avoid holiday theft this shopping season.

If taking better care of your hard-earned money is one of your New Years resolutions, I've listed 10 ways to help accomplish it. Getting a hold of your personal finances will not only help save money, but it will help control debt and plan for the future.

Protect your loved ones - even after their death. It's true... identity theft even happens to deceased individuals. Here are some important steps to take - including what to say -- and not say -- in the obituary, how to approach creditors, and who else you should notify of the death.

Dave, at Personal Finance Advice happened to sit down with a former burglar recently, where he asked that exact question. So, where IS the best place inside your home for hiding valuables?... Find out here.

Predators now using jury duty to access personal information.