Articles Tagged:

frugal tips

Beyond typical winterizing, here are some things you can do to boost your energy and money savings during the winter...

At what point is monthly budgeting a means of saving and planning for the future, as opposed to a means for survival?

Since most people start giving their children more financial responsibilities in their teen years, it makes sense to teach them a thing or two about spending wisely, as well. Here are a couple of quick and easy tips that your teen will understand.

Here are my best tips when you buy cars for cash, rather than financing. There are certain benefits to consider when you choose to pay cash for used cars and new cars. Here they are...

Measuring one method of doing dishes against another, dishwashers cost less and get your dishes cleaner than hand-washing alone. Here are some other things you can do to save money while using the dishwasher to clean your dishes...

For many people, shopping for themselves can bring on feelings of guilt, anxiety, and doubt. However, the process of deciding what to buy this month, and what can wait until next month does not have to be so hard.

Just because you don't have a lot of money to spend on home decorations doesn't mean your walls have to be plain and boring. There are many fun and easy ways to decorate on the cheap. Here are some things ideas...

Coupon trains are when a group of people gets together in an effort to share discount store coupons. The 1st person -- the conductor -- cuts all coupons from the paper and takes what they need. They pass the other unwanted coupons to the 2nd person who takes what they need from the coupons and then adds their unwanted coupons to the pack... and so on. But are coupon trains legal?

if you just can't afford all of your expenses, the best thing you can do for yourself is to let something go -- which can mean downsizing your home, moving into an apartment, or giving up a car. The result of letting go is a better relationship between your debts and your income. You'll find a comfort zone that you can live with -- day in and day out.